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Ecommerce Software Providers

EMOTIV’s ecommerce software Onboarding, Scale and Growth Services are designed to support, Grow and Retain your customers all together!

You have an awesome platform and want to develop and maintain groundbreaking software and share it with the world.

EMOTIV provide resource, expertise and time to deal with managing and growing your customer base.

Option 1

Client Onboarding

Successfully onboard your clients to utilize and realize the power of your ecommerce software. Use our proven predictable strategy to support your customers and provide them with a customer centric experience will expedite utilization and customer satisfaction. We design solutions that integrate seamlessly into your process with our experts at leading software onboarding programs.

Specialist led self-onboarding

Do it for me

Option 2

Multilingual Customer Support

We can provide you with full customer ecommerce software support covering all marketplaces that will answer any questions your clients might have both pre and post-sale. This will be conducted by highly qualified professionals in the languages you require. We begin by agreeing on the rules of engagement to ensure full alignment with your standards and processes.

Ecommerce software support to your clients

Option 3

Client Data Optimization

Our tailor-made solution produces product and customer insights that turn into actionable plans that separates them from the competition. We utilize the insights we gain through the report to highlight areas where there is opportunity to improve sales on the account. Based on findings a plan is built and presented to the customer where we agree a priority list and scope of work to be carried out with agreed timelines. A baseline is taken that can be used to measure success of the plan.

Help your client grow

Ecommerce software data optimization

Why use our ecommerce software